SandTray Providers are professionals with advanced training and experience in the field of sandtray therapy. Texas SandTray Association offers two levels of SandTray Providers, basic and Advanced. Each level is able to provide approved sandtray trainings to those seeking SandTray Certification. Listed below are the requirements needed to become a Certified SandTray Provider in Texas.
(those who can train and case consult for levels 1-4)
Certified as Clinical Sandtray Therapist for one year (going into effect January 1, 2021)
6 hours of supervision/train the trainer course
Documentation of at least 3 hours of training others
Current member of TSTA
​​Advanced Trainers ***until further notice, Board Certified Trainers will be able to train advanced levels they have completed if they have trained all levels 1-4 in person.
(those who can train and case consult for levels 1-10)
5 + Years working with sandtray modality
Certified as Advanced Clinical Sandtray therapist, or working toward it
Additional 6 hours of supervision/train the trainer course
Documentation of at least 3 additional hours of training others
Current member of TSTA
Benefits to Becoming a Trainer
Free listing in our "Find a Trainer" directory
Free listing in "Sandtray Trainings" promotion
Use of Listserv for posting trainings (if willing to give TSTA members at least. a $25.00 discount)
Trainer Application Fee $50
Trainer Applications: